Thursday, April 24, 2008

Role Models

So I'm struggling with goals and motivation - a fairly typical occurrence for me, as it happens every 3 months or so. I set goals, and then I lose my motivation to achieve them, feeling less than energetic, or a failure, or it doesn't matter.

So, in an excess of feeling as if I needed to be punished, I spoke with Bogha Frois. Two items came out of it:

1) What is your motivation set in?
2) How do you evaluate those whom you seek to emulate?

For 1), my motivation (as I have written earlier) always seems to be in the gaining of the approbation or pleasure of others. The nut to crack here is how to essentially self motivate, to set and seek out goals not for what they will cause others to do, but what they will make me.

For 2), Bogha Frois points out quite rightly that there is not necessarily a need to adapt folks without reservation, but to take the best part of different individuals and emulate them. Still, it is a relevant question: Whom do I believe are worthy role models? What about them should I seek to emulate? How do I do this?

Who are your role models, those whom you seek to emulate?

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