Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Off To Iceland

Hello Friends!  As you are reading this, we are getting ready to get in the car and drive to the airport to go to Iceland!  None too soon, if you ask me - the daytime temperatures are literally half of what we are facing here and frankly, the opportunity to actually be completely "gone" is something I am sore in need of.

The same rules as always apply: I have prepared the usual blog adventures out week in advance and have precisely not idea what (if any) coverage we will have.  I beg your forgiveness if my responses are delayed and look forward to some fantastic stories (and pictures) upon our return.


  1. What? You get to have a real life outside of blog world!? Of course I will forgive you. ;-)

    Watch out for volcanos! I hear they have a lot, there.
    Hoping for pictures and stories when you get back!
    Safe trip and God bless!

  2. I don't remember authorizing this. What makes you think you can just up and leave any time you want to without permission, TB? HAR HAR HAR!!!

    Yes, post some pics! What are airfares like for a trip like that?

  3. Thanks Linda! We had a great time. No volcanoes, but lots of lava fields. Pictures to come.

  4. Glen, I am pretty sure I submitted Form F-11752 in triplicate. It is probably in your inbox somewhere...

    Great time, good pictures. Airfare was on WOW air, the (apparently) Southwest airlines of international travel. We got there with two carry ons, one checked bag, and reserved seats for about $450 round trip.


Comments are welcome (and necessary, for good conversation). If you could take the time to be kind and not practice profanity, it would be appreciated. Thanks for posting!