
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

A View From Home: Smoke

So answer a question about my travel coming back to The Ranch, we are in fact in that part of the country that is being affected by forest fires - fortunately for my parents, the fires are well away from their home but the smoke is impacting literally everything - landing at the airport, we were only about 500 ft above the ground before we could see it through the smoke.

To give a sense of impact, here are pictures from my visit in July and this week.

Off the front porch:

Off the back porch:

The smoke has dissipated even since we arrived here.  Hopefully the fires will end soon.


  1. Here in the Midwest, we've been unaffected thus far but that is supposed to change on Thursday when the shifting jet stream brings that over top of us for a day. Even then the impact will be minimal since harvest is just firing up which means lots of cab time.

    1. Hopefully you are not impacted at all, Ed. It has not been noticeably impactful for our stay - then again, we are at the tail end of it. I gather at some points down towards town ash was falling on cars.

  2. yup... same kind of air quality here. I'm glad all is well with the Ranch but be safe. It is amazing how fast fire can burn without any rhyme or reason.

    Be safe!

    1. Hobo, if people have never seen a packed, dry set of tinder go up on a camp fire, they have no idea. My parent's property is fairly well groomed and there is not a lot of underbrush to act as fuel.

      And yet, people somehow pretend that forest management is not a thing. Only those who do not live in the forests, apparently.

  3. I've been praying for God's mercy for all on the coast.
    I was glad to hear you are all safe.

    1. Appreciate it very much Linda. We are fortunate that all is quite well here, all things considered.

  4. My mental music player lit off and started with, "Smoke on the water, and fire in the sky." Now it's an earworm.

    Years ago I read about some product that you could spray on your home to largely offset the heat of a passing fire. I don't remember the details.

    1. John - Glad I could contribute to your distraction. Just another service I offer...

      That is a fascinating concept - although I have not heard anything about it. Recommendations are here are defensible space - fortunately my parents are on a hill top with few trees and low grass.

    2. I took a skimming pass into the internet, and what I'm not quite remembering is a spray gel.
      There was also mention of a foam.
      As always we have to weigh what is the truth.

    3. Hmm. The foam seems to be the best, but seems to have an 8-16 hour lifespan.

  5. Monday was our first clear day since the fires started. I am dealing with horrible PTSD since Saturday was the five year anniversary of the Valley Fire, which destroyed our home as well as many others. I was barely able to see across the street for weeks. I am glad you only got the smoke.

    1. My Goodness Denise, that must be especially awful for you. I am very sorry, both for your loss five years ago and the discomfort now. My parents have been very fortunate both now and to date that they have no serious fire danger.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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