
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Dream About Christ

Last night I had a dream about Christ.
I do not often have these dreams. Certainly they are not the sort of thing that I talk about regularly when I do - it strikes me that dreams (on the whole) are a badly misused medium by a great number of Christians today.  In a way I compare it to what passes for a great deal of prophecy right now:  a statement which may be heavy on biblical language but lacks the core of an actual revelation from God and is replaced with the speaker's own opinion. So I am careful to say that I did not have a dream from God - at least I can say it involved His Son.

In this dream it was right after the end of the world.  I cannot tell you what it was like because apparently that was considered completely secondary to the dream. It was just a sort of "lights out" moment and that was that.  The thing that came immediately out of it was - maybe for the first time in my life - I was actually excited about seeing Him instead of afraid.

I remember running up to Him and asking Him what I should do and He sent me off to do some looking into something.  I found it and ran back and just started babbling away excitedly at what I had discovered, with Him just sitting there smiling and nodding.  There was no sense of fear or concern about what I had done or not done, just a genuine feeling of excitement and happiness.

I want to emphasize again:  I am not stating and I do not believe this to be some kind of direct vision from God.  Certainly there is nothing to be drawn here about the end of the world or the closeness or distance of it (in all fairness, I tend to dwell on the end of civilization a great deal).   The thing I do want to focus on was that this was the dream I needed right now.

Not that this is news to anyone, but life is becoming...a bit pinched together for a lot of reasons.  Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the feeling that I am not doing enough of what I should be doing, or that I doing it badly.  Something like this - arguably based on Christ's acceptance of us through His death and resurrection (that is biblical enough) - can make the things that we face a little less overwhelming, if we can experience - even vicariously through something like a dream - who and what is waiting for us at the end.

I do not know that the dream was directly from God - but I do know that God controls all, and that includes what goes on in my dreams.  And in that, I think, lies the greatest comfort.


  1. TB - i think that any dream that includes Our Saviour is one worth it's weight in gold. we cannot control our unconscious when our unconscious throws Our Lord into a dream - it means that we need to focus on Our Lord, his sacrifice and the fact that no matter how badly we screw up - He has always loved us, long before our births and deaths and that no matter what - He will be there for us in the end...regardless of how our end happens.

    i learned all of this from the smartest man who has ever Uncle Gerald.

    when you give yourself permission to not be "doing things" go back and read his blog from the beginning. i don't call him the smartest man who ever lived for no reason. being able to talk to him for several years for hours at a time, a time when i needed it the most, was an incredible fortune in my life. some people win millions of dollars...others meet Uncle Gerald. we won the lottery when we met him...and his millions just keep pouring in. it is why i will never let his blog go down. because his stories and posts mean more each time you read them. and i want to share his knowledge with the world.

    the greatest comfort comes with the knowledge that if we believe, we are already saved. Our Saviour has already saved us. and when we need him to help us work through something, He will appear in our dreams. and He will always provide comfort, understanding and love.

    i send you and yours much love. your friend,

    1. Thank you Kymber. I am least certain that God meant to tell me something, although I am not sure quite what.

      Your Uncle Gerald was a wise man. I keep getting moved and blown away by his writings every time I read them.

      I will carefully consider your words. Thank you.

      Lhiats, Terry

  2. Moments like that should be taken note of and thought over carefully for the message they send.

    1. I know Preppy - typically something like this I might not have posted, except that it was so unusual for me.


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