
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Realizing The Hand of God

Sometimes you have a quick view into the inner workings of God, how sometimes things you wonder why they happened reveal themselves.  It occurred (as it occasionally does) this week - and the realization of it took my breath away.

It was another one of those social media fishing expeditions that I am prone to wander off on from time to time when I get to wondering about people and where their lives went - a little looking here, a little looking there, and suddenly I find a trove of what has gone on in the lives of others since we parted.

In this case it was one of those moments where one suddenly realizes "Oh, that is why that happened" - a separation which occurred when two lives ended up taking very different paths.  "That is why that happened" you say to yourself, perhaps after years of wondering why events occurred:  was it something that you did?  Something that you said?  Should you have fought harder for it, made more attempts?

It is sobering - and indeed more than a little frightening - to see God's hand moving in those moments, to realize that He is active in one's life in ways that one would not consider.  Problems or issues were headed off years before that could even consciously exist (not that this is meant in anything like a superiority complex - I am not better than anyone else in these matters; surely has God has preserved others from me as well).

It heartens me to know that God is paying that kind of attention, that He is (through no merit of my own) looking out for myself in ways I do not even yet know issues of yet.

"A man's steps are ordered by the LORD; how then can man understand his way?" - Proverbs 20:24


  1. Thats a good attitude to have on the matter I would say.

  2. Thanks Preppy. I hope so. Perspective can be a wonderful thing, especially when you stop to actually realize it.


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