Friday, June 29, 2018

Not All That Wander...

Today's post is brought to you by Glen Filthie.  Thanks Glen.  This perfectly describes me:


  1. It’s not so bad TB. We seem to be lost in the same general region of deep space - you are in a more intelligent quadrant than I am; but good friends are only a few light years away! I am still enjoying that poem about white wine. I may buy a bottle just because of it. :)

  2. Heh heh. The only reason you think I am in the more intelligent quadrant is the clever use of my Romulan Cloaking device; trust me, I am right there with you.

    The Ravishing Mrs. TB is having more issues with red wine so we are drinking more white. Glad you liked the poem; I may have a glass myself later.


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